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10 Least Barking Apartment Dogs

FurryFunTime Staff
Updated: Aug 21, 2024


Are you living in an apartment? That does not mean you can’t have a dog. You might worry about the dog’s bark. You think if the dog barks, it will disturb others. Well, that’s not true. Do you know some dogs bark the least? They can be great apartment dogs. For example, Pug, Scottish Deerhound, Italian Greyhound, Basenji, Great Dane, Etc. can be your perfect apartment companion. Every dog is unique. Some are prone to barking. On the other hand, some are amazingly quiet. So finding a less barking dog for your apartment gives you a loving pet. You can have it without disturbing your neighbours. Also, remember no dog breed is completely silent. Some of them beautifully respond to training. This guide gives you a list of the least barking dogs well-suited for an apartment. Check them out.


01.Italian Greyhound
01.Italian Greyhound
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Italian Greyhounds prefer to stay in a calm and quiet atmosphere. You need to have docile living arrangements for it. They are the smallest sight-hounds. Italian Greyhounds usually are sensitive and delicate. They are naturally quiet as well. On the other hand, these dog breeds are hardly interested in barking. They prefer to keep calm. This nature makes these dogs a more popular breed nowadays.


02.Scottish Deerhound
02.Scottish Deerhound
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Scottish Deerhounds are hunting dogs. Therefore, it's in their nature to be kept silent. Scottish Deerhounds are friendly and loyal. They make a very strong bond with humans. It will do anything to please its owner. Keep in mind these dog breeds need special training. You need quite a large space for a Scottish Deerhound to run. If you pet this dog in your apartment, you need to take it to a large park. Scottish Deerhounds have amazing hunting instincts. So, you shouldn't keep it with cats or any smaller creatures.


03.Boston Terrier
03.Boston Terrier
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Boston terriers hardly bark. Also, they are quite playful. You might mistake it for a French Bulldog. However, a Boston Terrier is less Chunky than a French Bulldog. These dogs are mischievous. Sometimes, it can be a little stubborn. Therefore, make sure you arrange for proper training for these dogs. Boston Terriers don't like shouting. They prefer short walks. They love to spend time sleeping, resting, and napping. These features make a Boston Terrier a perfect Apartment companion.


04.Shih Tzu
04.Shih Tzu
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When it comes to an apartment dog, nothing can beat a Shih Tzu. They are cute and quiet. These little dogs just need study and proper training. A Shih Tzu is a perfect indoor dog. Take it to the apartment terrace. Make it walk. And that’s enough for these little furballs. Shih Tzu needs proper maintenance though. They shed a little. They have long hair. That needs proper grooming. Comb and bathe them regularly.


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Basenjis were originally required to hunt lions once. These silent dogs are quite intelligent and athletic. They have a unique sharp larynx. That is why they are not capable of barking. When they need to call someone, they make a unique ‘barooo’ sound. Be very careful! Basenjis require a lot of exercise. They are full of energy. Basenjis are quite loyal and love to learn anything. Also, you need to equip the Basenji with a strong leash. The leash will provide control and durability.


06.Great Dane
06.Great Dane
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Great Danes are known as gentle giants. The name itself suggests that they are very quiet dogs. Great Danes are large dogs. They don't need to prove their dominance. Therefore, they seldom bark. You might worry about the exercise because of their enormous size. But don't worry!! Less exercise is enough for a Great Dane. They are also quite low-maintenance dogs. Trust me!! You will love them for their silent nature.
For a dog like the Great Dane, you need a powerful harness. It will give them both support and control.


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Pugs are loved around the world. They have a squishy face. They love napping. They have an affable nature as well. This makes them a perfect apartment-friendly dog breed. Pugs hardly bark. They do it when they are starving or feeling threatened. Instead of barking, they snuffle and snort. So you can call them a cute couch potato. Be very careful! You shouldn't overfeed a pug. Otherwise, they can be overweight. This can end up in breathing and joint issues. Pugs are gentle yet excitable. This makes them an ideal Apartment-friendly companion. You need a strong headcollar for your pet pug. This allows a stress-free walk. It will also improve the training sessions, give the pug comfort, and prevent pulling.


08.English Bulldog
08.English Bulldog
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English bulldogs contain easy easy going demeanour. They also have Chunky bodies. These features make this dog breed an acute couch potato. English bulldogs are quite lazy. Barking is too much work for them. They usually enjoy treats and cuddling. English Bulldogs are even-tempered and steady-going. They don't care about exercise. Rather they prefer relaxing at home.


09.Basque Shepherd Dog
09.Basque Shepherd Dog
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Are you searching for an energetic Apartment dog? Basque Shepherd Dog is ideal for you. These dogs originated from the Basque region of Spain and France. At those places, they were once considered herding experts and highly intelligent. However, their herding past never prevents them from being an excellent apartment companion. A Basque Shepherd Dog needs proper training. Amazingly, they will never bark for your attention. Always remember, these dogs need plenty of walking. This makes them happy even in a small apartment.


10.West Highland White Terrier
10.West Highland White Terrier
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A West Highland White Terrier came from Scotland. This dog breed was first found in the 19th century. Nowadays, they are considered delightful and content canine companions. This feature makes them an ideal pick for apartments. A West Highland White Terrier only barks the moment they want something or feel threatened. But, usually, these dogs avoid barking needlessly. A West Highland white Terrier is quite energetic at the same time. Therefore, these dogs can be your playful companions.


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